Next Course Begins September 9th! – ENROLLMENT NOW OPEN!! ............................................. 

Kickstart My Heart-Centric Brand

Next Course Begins September 9th! – ENROLLMENT NOW OPEN!!

Enroll Now!

Are you ready to kickstart your Heart-Centric Brand?

If you’re a business owner who feels there’s a deeper story to tell but aren’t quite sure how to tell it, this is for you!

In this 4-week program, we’ll go through a journey to discover (or rediscover) the magic that’s already within you! I always say what’s
in your “head, heart, and gut” is your superpower, and it’s time to harness that for your branding and marketing! This is what makes you stand out from the competition and helps you build the business and brand of your dreams.

Throughout these 4 weeks, you’ll dive deep into understanding your brand and business from a more introspective angle. You’ll gain clarity on your brand’s what, how, and why, and establish values that resonate with your daily decisions, both personally and professionally. We’ll identify your ideal customer personas and unique brand personality, ensuring you connect with your audience in a meaningful way. Plus, you’ll learn the difference between visuals that just “look good” and those that intentionally connect your community to your Heart-Centric Brand.

You have passion and you have purpose. You put your whole heart into the phenomenal work that is actively benefiting the world (no matter how small you THINK that is). Yet, you fear your customers don’t always see and feel it. You wonder if the depth of what makes your work impactful is truly connecting with them. Maybe you even wonder “Am I even supposed to do this?” I’m here to tell you that abso-fucking-lutely YOU ARE!

Right now, you’re flatlining. I can see it. The enthusiasm and intention you started with is tapering down. I won’t let you flatline.

What you really need is to KICKSTART your heart-centric brand!

Kickstart My Heart-Centric Brand is a 4-week live group program.

Next course kicks off Monday, September 9th, 2024!

What is included?

• Weekly Lessons
• Live Q&A Group Session
• Digital Workbook
• Private Facebook Community


  • Early Bird = $997
  • Course Investment = $1,297

Important Dates

  • Enrollment opens Monday, July 22nd
  • 4 Week Program begins September 9th
  • Enrollment closes Wednesday, September 11th
  • Early Bird Pricing though July 31st

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

What if I can't attend the scheduled group session dates/times?

You can submit any questions you have prior to the Live Q&A Group Session. I will answer any submitted questions during the group session, which will be recorded and provided to the whole group.

What if I fall behind on the lessons? Should I still come to the Live Q&A Group Session?

Absolutely yes. A huge part of this program is helping you stay on track. The Live Q&A Group Sessions will help keep you motivated, answer questions that may have held you back from making progress and offer support to ensure you complete the program.

What is the difference between the 'Kickstart My Heart-Centric Brand' & the 'Brand Self Discovery Masterclass'?

I think of the Masterclass as an independent learning session with a “final” with your teacher (me). The video guided workbook you are provided will walk you through the same exercises we walk our done-for-you branding clients through to understand their brand deeper. Once that workbook is completed (feel free to complete at your leisure, but know that we spend a full immersive day with our one-to-one clients on these exercises, yes– 8+ hours!) you and I will sit down for a 90-minute deep dive into your brand. It’s your time to ask clarifying questions, ask specifics about your brand and marketing and my time to poke and prod to ensure you went deep enough to get the most out of the program and discuss next steps.

The Kickstart My Heart-Centric Brand is a 4-week group coaching program. Each week I’ll provide you a lesson (4 lessons in total). These lessons are from the foundation of our Brand Self Discovery Masterclass, but broken into smaller lessons + some additional bonus exercises. If you are anything like me, taking these in bite size chunks is easier. Life and work is busy, so slowly working through these lessons allows us time to really reflect deeply on the content and get back to the things we need to also get done. Plus, the group coaching calls on Thursday are a good push to ensure you have worked through the exercises to come with questions for me. We meet Thursday’s at noon and I’ll stay on and answer questions for up to two hours. You’ll have up to 8 hours of direct support and time with me + the Private Facebook Group for additional questions, support and community.

I am a Brand Self Discovery Masterclass graduate. Should I enroll in the Kickstart My Heart-Centric Brand program?

The content in the Masterclass and Kickstart program are the same but delivered in different ways. However, a heart-centric brand isn’t something that you create and let collect dust on a shelf. Going through the Kickstart program will help to ensure you’ve maintained a consistent and cohesive brand since graduation. Additionally, it’ll allow you to establish where your brand has evolved and how to work that evolution into your existing brand assets.

Do Masterclass graduates get a discount?

Yes. Email [email protected] for graduate rates and information.